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Fundraising Strategy Reality Check

Fundraising Strategy Reality Check

Thursday, May 23, 2024
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM (EDT)

* Registration open until 5/16/24 at 5:00 PM (EST)

Event Details

Planning provides a guide for action, and it has been proven that fundraising works better when you have a plan — and even better if you follow it. When was the last time your fundraising plan had a refresh? In this workshop, we’ll discuss:

  • Identifying the best mix of revenue sources for your organization.
  • Creating an annual fundraising calendar.
  • Defining other ways to benchmark your results - beyond just dollars.
  • Using your plan to educate your board, deflect random fundraising ideas, and stay on task.
  • Building a shared understanding of what fundraising actually entails with your team so everyone can participate in the plan, deepen relationships with supporters, and generate more resources.

By the end of the session, participants will be able to:

  • Outline the existing components of their annual fundraising plan.
  • Evaluate their current fundraising strategies and activities for feasibility.
  • Develop and articulate a persuasive case for support to donors.
  • Identify new opportunities and create plans to improve their fundraising approach and strategy based on their current strengths, staff and volunteer capacity, and audiences.
Intended Audience

This is a hands-on learning opportunity for board members, volunteers, executive directors and other staff involved in the development, implementation and evaluation of their organization’s annual fundraising plan.

This session is especially geared toward teams from the same organizations who want dedicated time to review “the way they’ve always done things,” refresh their plans and put what they learn to immediate use.

    For More Information:

    MANP Education Team
    Cost + Registration
    • $150 MANP members / $200 Nonmembers
    • Discounts for teams! $25 off each additional registration from the same organization
    • Scholarships available! Prior to registering, email your scholarship request to and be sure to include your name and organization.
    • Participants will receive additional event logistics in the registration confirmation e-mail as well as in reminder emails that will be sent one week and one day prior to the event.
    • To cancel your registration and receive a full refund, please e-mail no fewer than two weeks prior to the live event.
    • Substitutions for registered participants are welcome. Please let us know who to expect in advance.

    MANP is committed to ensuring all participants are accommodated at our events. If you have accessibility needs, please email us at with your request no fewer than 10 business days prior to the event.

    About the Presenter

    Headshot of presenter, Andy Robinson, wearing glasses and a green collared shirt, standing in front of a blurred outdoor background

    Andy Robinson provides training and consulting for nonprofits, businesses, and government agencies. Over the past 28 years, Andy has worked with clients in 47 US states and Canada.

    Since pandemic began in March 2020, he has designed and facilitated more than 175 online meetings, webinars, and remote workshops covering a variety of topics, including fundraising, board development, marketing, leadership development, facilitation, planning, change management, alternatives to 501(c)(3), and train-the-trainer  programs.

    Andy is the author of six books, including Train Your Board (and Everyone Else) to Raise His latest is What Every Board Member Needs to Know, Do, and Avoid. He lives in Plainfield, Vermont.

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